BlockMark Registry (Cohort 3.0) issues over 45,000 digital certificates during 2023

16 Jan 2024

Published in: Cohort Successes

BlockMark Technologies has issued more than 45,000 digital certificates from its flagship software-as-a-service platform BlockMark Registry over the course of 2023.

The platform enables organisations to create and host certification schemes from which to issue digital credentials to other organisations, individuals, and even things (like an energy performance certificate relating to a building). Recipients can then manage their certificates on the same platform, sharing them with interested parties and keeping track of expiry dates.

The platform also offers smart badges linked to certificates, enabling logos to be displayed on both websites and email signatures that disappear when the certificate expires but reappear on renewal. This feature improves brand protection for certification schemes and includes an embedded link to further details about the specific certificate, the overall scheme, and the certifying body.

In 2022, IASME Consortium began issuing Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certificates from BlockMark Registry, demonstrating the platform could cope with a high volume of certificates being issued automatically via an API interface. Within the cyber security and information assurance sector, The Cyber Scheme and 3CT Security are also both actively issuing certificates from BlockMark Registry. And more recently in December of this year, Sutcliffe & Co began issuing cyber security insurance certificates using the technology.

Dr Adrian Burden, CEO of BlockMark Technologies states “This is a fantastic milestone for our platform. As a result, we now have about 30,000 organisations holding certificates on the system and over 10,000 users, with numbers growing daily. Our aim now is to encourage certification schemes in other sectors such as health & safety, professional membership, and environment & sustainability to come on board and explore the benefits of issuing their certificates from BlockMark Registry.”

Although the platform assists certification and accreditation bodies to manage and monitor their various schemes more effectively, the system also helps those investing in skills and credentials to showcase their achievements. For example, each organisation has a profile page where their public certificates are displayed and to which they can add product and service cards to highlight what they offer. This in turn helps drive more business to their own website.

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